Me and Sister Burr passing out poppies for Memorial Day. Good contacting opportunity. |
Hola lovely familia!
First of all, thank you for the package with the journals and cards from the wedding reception. I love them SO MUCH! Haha I couldn't stop smiling when I read them, so thank you to everyone who sent a message my way. It meant a lot! The journals are PERFECT too, Mama!
So what's new in Seymour TN? Well we've had a good week, teaching Lisbeth, our favorite 80 year old lady, she is keeping her commitments of reading the Book of Mormon but is still very very stubborn, bless her heart! But we keep serving and loving her. Also have taught Doris and Bernice who are coming along, although they said they'd come to church and didn't make it on Sunday.
We got to eat with an Hermana in the ward from Argentina and practice our Spanish, she is so awesome. We also got to teach Raisa, the recent convert, about temples. She understands a lot of it and is excited to go! And we went to mutual to talk to the young women about the musical program we're planning for July, and they're excited and all want to participate, so that will be good. We also had a meal appointment with an awesome family which was so fun, and afterwards we watched Finding Faith in Christ, and shared our testimonies. This has been one of my favorite things to do with families because it reminds us of the reason we do everything! I felt the Spirit so strong!
Knoxville landmark: The Sunsphere, built for the 1982 World's Fair. |
On Friday we drove to Knoxville (took all our miles:) for Zone Conference, which went pretty well. I had to give a surprise two minute talk but I somehow pulled it off. It's fun to be in the Knoxville zone because we're close to the leaders, president and wife, and office couple and see them more often. So AFTER I went on an exchange to Rockwood TN with Sister Burr. She's a ton of fun, super down to earth, and has had an awesome mission. Together we tried the best BBQ this side of the Mississippi, contacted investigators, and taught a less active member in Spanish, which was really great for me cause it was my first Spanish lesson this transfer. Orale. I LOVED Rockwood!
So there's a recent convert family that lives right down the road from us - the Murphys. The funny thing is they're technically in the elders area but we're way closer, and their dad's always gone for work, so we end up spending a lot more time working with them. Last night we had dinner. Their oldest daughter Celeste, who is 15, has struggled with the decision to be baptized. Basically the elders committed her for this Saturday, but she kind of pulled Sister Malloy and me aside and told us that it wasn't her desire. The funny thing was that earlier that day I'd felt inspired to bring with me an extra one of the journals you sent, Mom. As we talked we decided to start trying to build her faith in very simple ways, and one of them is she's going to make that journal a gratitude journal and write what she's grateful for every day.
Please pray for Celeste that she'll be able to come to know Heavenly father! We are praying so hard. Oh ya and Nikki, by the way, is also coming along -- just trying to convince her that she can be baptized before her knee surgery, but we'll see.
Anyways. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! We're going to the Sheets to play Corn Hole, woot woot!
Love y'all!
Hermana Collier
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